Special Needs
Fix A Friend Spay Neuter Clinic

"The Greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
-Mahatma Ghandi
Special Needs |
When adopting a pet, please consider adopting an adult pet, a black pet or a pet with special needs.These pets are the first to be abandoned and the last to be adopted. During the summer months, hundreds of kittens and puppies are born that make it almost impossible for homeless adults to get adopted.They are just too cute and too hard to compete with, but before you adopt that cute kitten or puppy, consider this... Reasons to Adopt an Older Pet (or full grown)
Why are black cats and dogs often overlooked?
Here are Some of Our Special Needs Animals Meet Doug Doug has heartworms, intestinal parasites and has ear infections. His veterinary costs are several hundred dollars. Please donate below to help us help him.
DOGS UNDERGOING HEARTWORM TREATMENT At any given time Adopt an Angel is putting a dog through a heartworm treatment. Heartwoms are treatable, but it is expensive. Each treatment costs at least $350 and can be more depending on the weight of the dog. Fortunately, we have a volunteer vet who does the treatment at cost, but at $350 a dog it adds up when you do as many as we do. Animal Shelters call us when they have one returned with heartworms so that we can help. You can help us tremendously by donating towards this major, unexpected expense.